Astute skylite vt

Astute skylite vt

Sillin ASTVTE Skylite vt Carbon (Negro – Naranja) El Skylite es una sillín diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de los ciclistas más exigentes. Sus raíles, totalmente de carbono, realzan aún más sus reconocidas resistencia y ligereza. Ell Skyline con barandilla de metal y el buque insignia SkyCarb.

Astute skylite vt

Probamos el modelo Skylite VT, que tiene un corte central que difiere de la versión SR sólida. Three categories – Carb. The two pads between the carbon rail and the shells ease vibrations by 20%. Astute Skylite VT 價格推薦共74筆商品。包含74筆拍賣.

The VT distinction means the saddle has a cutout, in case you were wondering – SR models go without the cutout. Specifically, wider 145mm versions of their Skyline SR, VT, and Skylite SR, and VT models. ASTUTE Skylite VT – Edles Sitzmöbel.

Tadellose Verarbeitung und aufwendige Machart kennzeichnen den Sattel. The flat seat is comfortable on long distance rides and high intensity races. Streamlined and flat. Highly technological with twin shell – an.

Italian craftsmanship. Where the saddle differs is in the use of reinforced areas along the cover exactly where there are the maximum stress and wear develops. I-PROF Black Saddle Seat Road Gravel Cycling Carbon Rails. Picture Information.

Opens image gallery. You should also make it a habit to search for the prices in several online stores before you commit to purchase. Unfortunately, most of the people who live out there in the world tend to purchase the product they want from the very first store that they come across. Artigianalità italiana.

Deportes y Aire Libre. Saltar al contenido principal. Hola, Identifícate. BRABUS, a las 14:00. Extra padding zorgt voor meer ‘grip’ zodat je beter op je zadel blijft zitten. De Skylite is de grote broer van de Skyline. De full carbon rails en een met carbon verstevigde nylon base layer maken de Skylite net wat lichter dan de Skyline.

Garantisce massimo comfort e performance al top nelle sessioni di allenamento e in gara soprattutto per le specialità di Cross Country, Gravel, Ciclocross e per tutti quelli che prediligono questo tipo di assetto. Cette selle tout carbone se distingue par sa zone évidée sous le périnée.

Astute skylite vt

SKYLITE is a saddle designed to meet athletes’ specific needs. The full carbon rail enhances its well-known features of toughness and lightness. This saddle is perfect for people who are looking for a new product with advance technical features and aesthetic details that make a difference. Este sistema de espuma de memoria garantiza la recuperación del sillín a su forma original.

Versión: VT – Forma: Flat – Material cubierta superior: Nylon Soft Touch – Material cubierta inferior. Skylite es un sillin diseñado para personas que el máximo rendimiento de un sillin de competicion con detalles tecnicos. Mostrados 1-de Volver arriba. Die optimale Kombination aus Sattelgewicht.

SKU: AST-SKYLT3-FLBK. Availability: in stock.