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Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. Connection definition is – the act of connecting : the state of being connected: such as. How to use connection in a sentence.
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Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 1related words, definitions, and antonyms. Technology matters. But what you do matters most.

The right tools—built for your unique users, environment, and mission—can help you focus on doing what you do best. Let the experts at Connection listen to your needs, understand your goals, and deliver IT solutions and services designed around you. Because what you do matters. Recibe ayuda con los problemas de conexión de PlayStation 4. Two actors with very different concerns meet at an airport and find that they have more in common than it at first seems.
Inspired by a real-life incident an. Real Connection, es una empresa que transforma la logística de su empresa en una manera más eficiente de vender. A connection (session) with a specific database. SQL statements are executed andare returned within the context of a connection.

If you are new to theConnection, please complete the form below. Step into the Catwalk Connection collection of the savviest, most exciting and attractive femme fashion on the net. Get blown away by our styles of clothes, shoes, swimwear, and accessories. Another word for connection.
Music video by Elastica performing Connection. A fibered manifold is a fiber bundle if and only if it admits such an Ehresmann connection. Una empresa argentina que ofrece productos y servicios de alta tecnología y excelente calidad especializados en ingeniería industrial.
Delta Connection es una aerolínea regional para las distancias cortas de la línea principal de transporte de Estados Unidos Delta Air Lines, en las que una parte es de propiedad de aerolíneas regionales y otra parte de una empresa regional de telecomunicaciones. You only have to change the connection string and a few queries.
With MySQLi, you will need to rewrite the entire code – queries included. Both are object-oriente but MySQLi also offers a procedural API. Para descubrir el encanto de la comida natural recién hecha y el Té en hebras. The SqlConnection is opened and set as the Connection for the SqlCommand.
The example then calls ExecuteNonQuery. To accomplish this, the ExecuteNonQuery is passed a connection string and a query string that is a Transact-SQL INSERT statement. The connection is closed automatically when the code exits the using block.
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Online marketplaces are making it easier to access the products, services, and solutions your agency needs to thrive.