Get Instant Quality Info Now! Kornit Avalanche HEXA ha sido diseñada para un funcionamiento ininterrumpido. Gracias a la avanzada tecnología de Kornit.
The new generation printer significantly lowers ink consumption and provides for a softer, immediately noticeable, hand-feel. Get extraordinary quality printing for a fraction of the cost. Más información en el sitio web de Kornit Digital. Kornit – Avalanche 9- FIRST ALL OVER KORNIT PRINTING by promoteXx.
Hintsteiner 39views. Hear how Inkthreadable. Featuring dual-pallets, 1. By adding Red and Green to the traditional CMYK colour gamut, we provide a 30% wider colour range for the print, fashion and design world.

Browse more videos. Kornit avalancha Hexa camiseta y directo a la impresora de prendas de vestir. The industrial, high volume printing system with 30% more colours.
Spread your payments with our Leasing and Finance facilities. A Kornit R-series printer. Easily reproduce the true colors of your sports team and accurately match your corporate logos. Con la incorporación del rojo y el verde a la gama de color CMYK tradicional, brindamos un rango de colores % más amplio para el mundo de la impresión, la moda y el diseño.
This industrial printing machine is designed to meet the high-quality, high-speed and low-cost printing demands of the garment printing market. Break the boundaries of possible colour combinations with this Kornit Digital printer.
Ink recirculation mechanism reduces the need to purge printing heads, increasing the lifespan of the printing heads, and significantly reducing waste and ink costs. Designed with sophisticated technology to fit the widest variety of applications and upgrades, the Avalanche is the perfect solution to help growing businesses thrive.

For even better– significantly lower ink consumption! Der Entfärbungs-Effekt kann dabei natürliche Optik, die in der Modebranche großen Anklang findet.
En Rafasshop siempre buscamos ofrecer lo mejor, tenemos la mejor máquina de estas características en impresión directa todo el territorio nacional. Tulostusalue on kasvanut 60×senttimetriin. Hexa -mallin etuna on kahden lisävärin mukanaan tuoma yli 30% laajempi väriavaruus, joka on nähtävissä erityisesti punaisissa ja vihreissä sävyissä.
Avalanche Hexa tulostaa maksimissaan 2paitaa tai muuta vaatekappaletta tunnissa. Roque Screen Printing. Kornit Storm Hexa 30% more color, industrial technology, minimum cost. The Storm HEXA guarantees accelerated print spee industrial digital textile printing technology and the affordability of the Storm platform.
It is the perfect choice for small-to- medium businesses looking to scale up in full color while keeping costs down. Wholesale best kornit avalanche hexa manufacturer in china, Worldwide free shipping for High Quality kornit avalanche hexa Online, and more on Wercan.

Superior color-matching and accurate spot color printingDigitally print short runs with special colorsSpectra Polaris print heads with color channelsEnriched accurate spot color printing23. Iekārta ir speciāli izveidota, lai nodrošinātu krāsas un drukas kvalitāti atbilstoši modes un sporta apģērbu industrijas prasībām. Join the booming polyester printing arena.
Boost your profitability and win all fronts. Say goodbye to dye migration, limited design options, minimum quantity per order and long costly set-up procedures. No more compromises! Reach high-qualityon both white and dyed polyester fabrics and meet the highest retail standards.
The ink recirculation mechanism reduces the need to purge printing heads, increasing the lifespan of the printing heads, and significantly reducing waste and ink costs.